Arbalet Expands, Includes USA

Arbalet  family

Today the organizers of the Arbalet Cup series announced structure changes, expansion and development for the future. The group will be holding an amazing nine events a year, including a summer tournament in Dallas.

Arbalet has held a total of 9 tournaments in 2010 thus far, with the Female Arbalet Cup starting tomorrow. A total of $184,250 has been given out in prize money from the Arbalet cups and qualifiers.

The Arbalet Cup organizers have just released their structural changes and revealed the huge increase in prize money.

1. The Arbalet Cups have reached international status and will therefor allow any international team wishing to participate do so.

2. All tournaments will take place in an open format, but will feature a limited total number of participants at the final stage (16or 32). Decided by qualifiers and invitations.

3. Tournament names will be determined by the host city. For example, Arbalet Cup Stockholm, Arbalet Cup Moscow.

4. When a tournament features sixteen teams, there will be prize money for every team, to serve as a motivation boost for participants.

5. Teams will have to cover expenses such as travel, accommodation, meals etc. on their own behalf. The organizers will now focus on achieving maximum quality of the tournaments. Also, as long as the organizers do not pay for any travel or accommodation expenses, the prize pool will increase.

The organizers also hope to help CIS teams on their way to a higher profesional level and give them valuable experience against international teams.

6. Arbalet Cup is heading to the USA. Next up will be an annual tournament on U.S. soil.

Here is a list of upcoming events:

Arbalet Cup Dallas

Held: Summer once a year
32 teams, $80,000

Prize Distribution:

1: $25,000
2: $15,000

3: $10,000
4: $7,000
5-6: $3,500

7-8: $2,000
9-16: $1,500

Arbalet Cup Kiev/Moscow

Held: February, April, October
Teams/Purse: 32 teams, $42,200

Prize distribution:

1: $15,000
2: $10,000
3: $5,000
4: $3,000
5-6: $1,300
7-8: $900
9-16: $600

Arbalet Cup Stockholm

Held: February, April, October
Teams/Purse: 32 teams, $65,000

Prize distribution:

1: $20,000
2: $15,000

3: $10,000
4: $5,000
5-6: $2,000
7-8: $1,500
9-16: $1,000

Arbalet Cup Female

Held: Spring and Autumn
Teams/Purse: 16 teams, $42,000

Prize distribution:

1: $10,000
2: $7,000
3: $5,000
4: $3,000
5-6: $2,300
7-8: $1,500
9-16: $1,200

With this massive expansion the Arbalet family has instantly become one of, if not the, largest supporters of eSports world wide.

Source: Arbalet
Image courtesy of

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