Burbank, CA

Burbank, CA

Burbank, CA

compLexity Call of Duty is in flight today as the squad heads to Burbank, California for the Call of Duty World League North American Playoffs! Beginning on April 2nd, the top eight teams from the Season 1 Regular Season will face off in a single elimination bracket for the right to be crowned the North American Champion.

compLexity is currently scheduled to take on FaZe in the first round of the bracket on Saturday, April 2nd at 3:30PM EST.


  • Single Elimination
  • Best of 7 Series

Game Types and Maps

Included maps and modes:

  • Hardpoint: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Stronghold
  • Search and Destroy: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Hunted, Infection, Redwood, Stronghold
  • Uplink: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Infection
  • Capture the Flag: Breach, Evac, Fringe, Stronghold


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