C3 Interview: Team Damn We're Good

For our next C3 interview we welcome Fernando Robles from Team Damn We're Good

First, thanks for sitting down with us. Please tell us a bit about dWg and its history. Who are some of your players and how did the team come together? What league and LAN experience do you have?

Damn We're Good has been around since 2003 and actually ran by my brother Brian "best" Robles, things did not go so well so I took over and been leader for quite some time now. DWG has been from CAL-o to Premier and CEVO-A to Main. DWG came together in East Brunswick, NJ with f0bless,eclipse,MiMiC,daN(quitcs). We've had the same team members for years now, 4 of us have been playing together for 3-4 years now and we just have one new face joining us that would be "Charles". We all have been in high league play as in cal-premier and cevo-main that's the farthest we made before going inactive. We've lanned together in Webstation in New Jersey just to practice, we've been to one restricted tournament at web2zone and placed 4th. We're back now and coming along strong and looking forward in making a big impact this time. Starting five is,

Fernando "f0bless" Robles
Neil "eclipse" Mirchandani
Ryan "tr1fe" Bird
Giancarlo "Charles" Fernandez
Anthony "MiMiC" Reira

Backup 6th:
Haroon "khANO" Barlas

As a dedicated gamer, what is your take on the professional scene? Is it difficult to get recognized?

I think its a very interesting in a way that people are playing this game as a sport, hopefully people would like to see this game as a sport and try to reach that professional level and put more into this game once you reach that level. Now, I say it is difficult to get recognized because you already got professional teams making huge moves and we're not going to be attending any lans until we make sure we're ready and prepared for what's going to be there and know we can win, winning lan's makes you well recognized.

What are your goals as a gamer? Are you primarily playing for fun or would you like to see some type of reward for your hard work?

Goal as a gamer? I think everyone has the goal to be the best at this video game. We started off for fun and saw how much damage we can do if we take it serious so now it's a different story and people are going to see a difference in our game, and hopefully sooner or later I would love to see my team get rewarded for it's hard work.

Who are some of the players you look up to in gaming? Whose style is most like your own?

Very interesting question. I would like to play against n0thing,fRoD,aZn not only because they are the best gamers, but to get better in my style of play. I'm not one of those guys who watches POV demos of professional players, I don't think I play like anyone or tend to play like anyone, I like to teach myself some new things in this game by just playing as much as I can.

Why did you enter C3? What would it mean to you and your team to be a part of the compLexity organization?

Well when I got that text message from Charles saying complexity was having this tournament I was real interested and said sign us up right away, We entered this because we want more practice in being the best. Being part of the complexity organization would be a huge impact on all of us just knowing we reached that level when anything is possible.

Thanks very much for your time. Any final thoughts, comments or shoutouts?

Good Luck to everyone in this tournament. Hope you all the best.

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