Tonight, compLexity Call of Duty captain, Patrick "ACHES" Price, will be on Live on Three to dicuss the upcoming MLG Dallas event, as well as the network issues that have plagued the qualfication process over the past few weeks.
Live on Three is dedicated to bringing you the professional gaming coverage and commentary you want every week. Join the hosts djWHEAT and Slasher for a behind-the-scenes look and in-depth discussion on the state of pro-gaming. Featuring interviews with the pros, calls from the fans, and discussion with some of the best in the business. Sometimes insightful, sometimes inciting, and always passionate - Live On Three is exactly what you’d want it to be: pro-gaming without the fluff.
Live on Three is set to begin at 12AM UTC / 7PM EST / 4PM PST and can be viewed live via the following stream.