Andrew Posted on September 06 2017
It’s homecoming season and just like in schools across the nation, it is time for a reunion in coL.Dota. We are happy to reunite friends and family by welcoming back two of our former competitors, the Vanguard Brothers, Linus ‘Limmp’ Blomdin and Rasmus ‘Chessie’ Blomdin.
After a year’s absence which saw the two Swedes pursue other competitive goals and focus on health and growth, they are now ready to once more take on the challenge of NA Dota.
Three years ago when we returned to Dota 2 we had four players in mind as our ideal team - Kyle, Zfreek, Chessie, and Limmp. A bit over a year later we assembled that squad for the 2016 season and had our best results yet. Our goals were just out of reach then, but with this reunion we are stronger than ever.
Chessie has spent a year taking care of his health, Kyle has made the move to position 5 to be the best captain he can be, Limmp is recognized as one of the strongest mids in the world, and along the way we met an incredible teammate in Moo who is now back on his beloved offlane. Zfreek still owns too. We spent a year apart, growing and learning individually, and now it is time to bring that experience back together to strengthen the unit.
They were our first choice then and now they’re better than ever. As we begin the next season in a new format and surrounded by familiar faces, I can’t help but be confident. This is our team. This is our time.
- Kyle Bautista, General Manager
Chessie and Limmp were crucial elements of our Dota team’s successful 2016 run, culminating in a respectable 6th place at the Shanghai Major and 4th place at EPICENTER. Now with more majors on the horizon, the team is back to their roots, where it all began as four members of Team stayGreen.
We here at compLexity wish Chessie and Limmp a warm welcome back, as well as the best of luck for the upcoming challenges. You can catch a first look at compLexity Dota 2 in the upcoming BTS King’s Cup and ESL Hamburg Major qualifiers.