coL vs. SK recap

Recap of compLexity performances

by Sascha "Yiska" Heinisch

For complexity fans, the last couple of hours have been an emotional rollercoaster. 5-0 against SK.EU, that’s a tough score one has to swallow. One thing we have to understand though is, WoW is not CS or an RTS. WoW is a lot about pre tournament preparation and continental differences in play style can make all the difference in the world. Should an RMP lose 5-0 against a Shadow Cleave given the strength of their comps? Definitely not.

What happened was this: SK.EU is currently the undoubtedly best team of their comp in Europe. They have their own unique play style and if you’re not used to it, it’s very hard to come up with a viable strategy on the fly. Apparently it’s not usual for North American Shadow cleaves to go for the Priest. Complexity’s strategy seemed to be to focus the druid and only the druid to eventually run him out of CDs and get a clean kill on him. This is not a viable strategy against a team like SK.EU. Enigmz, their druid, is notorious for extremely defensive and safe style of play. He excels at mitigating everything you through at him. On top of that if you make the mistake of letting a player like Inflame alone, he will pick your game apart. Same is true for Another. You can’t possibly have only one strategy against a team like them.

Here is a quick rundown of the matches:

Game 1:

We're on Blades's Edge. Complexity open on SK's Druid and force an extremely early trinket. SK.EU are starting to do the play style many Europeans have come to fear/hate and coL are struggling to keep up with it. SK targets Reckful and he eventually goes down.

Score: 1-0 SK.EU

Game 2:

We're on Ring of Valor. coL opens on the Druid way too late and no real pressure can be applied. SK are spreading their DOTS, and putting a lot of pressure on coL, while coL puts a lot of pressure on SK's Druid and get him low, but coL all seem to fall over from Inflame's DoTs while SK recover from the pressure. coL’s strategy seems to train the druid all day.

Score: 2-0 SK.EU

Game 3:

We're on Ring of Valor once again. coL are going for a slow start while SK just charges into coL, coL get a better opener this time. SK pressures coL's Priest hard, but coL seems to recover. coL score a kill on SK's Druids while SK gets a cross kill on Sodah after a clutch spell lock. It comes down to a 2v2 which is an easy win for SK; as Reckful and Venruki are out of cool downs.

Score: 3-0 SK.EU

Game 4:

We're on Ruins. SK opens hard on Sodah forcing him below 50% while coL put out no pressure on SK. coL are going on Another out of desperation, while this is happening coL's mana and health is quickly depleting; leading to Venruki's Death. SK is in total control of this game.

Score: 4-0 SK.EU

Game 5:

We're on Ruins, and it is quite clear that SK is simply playing with coL now, as they're playing Wizard Cleave. coL have opened hard on Another, forcing him to Ice Block. SK just turned around to Reckful and put him down to around 1% HP which they are able to recover from. coL open on Another again forcing him to Ice Block. SK turns around and kills Reckful.

Score: 5-0 SK.EU

Especially in game three, Complexity was extremely close to a win as they killed Enigmz but Inflame hit a clutch spell lock on Sodah and they managed to pull of the 2vs3. You can never let your guard down.

What might work against an American Shadow cleave, will not work against SK.EU simply because SK.EU have such a unique play style, the only way to prepare against that, is actually training against them. That doesn’t mean they are unbeatable, not even for Complexity if they meet them later in the finals and I’m sure they used the night well.

On the brighter side BHMS impressed when they revenged Complexity against SK and they beat them 3-2 in a very close an exciting series.

Game 1:

We're on Blade's Edge. SK.US are playing extremely aggressive with their opener; forcing an early AMZ from BHMS. The DOTs are taking their toll on SK.US as Pookz had to block. SK.US zergs the Druid down in an effective manner and wins the game.

Score: 1-0 SK.US

Game 2:

We're on Ring of Valor. SK opens hard on the badly positioned Druid of BHMS and continues to train him for the first 20 seconds of the game. BHMS's DK saves Brogo with and AMZ as BHMS recovers while the Druid kites to a new pillar. Realz dispels an UA and just completely destroys himself as the BHMS kills him. A mistake on SK's part ultimately cost them the game.

Score: 1-1

Game 3:

We're on Dalaran. Pookz gets the game started quickly, SK go straight on to the Druid of BHMS; the DK saves him temporarily with AMZ, but he ultimately falls over quickly. SK on top again.

Score: 2-1 SK

Game 4:

We're on ROV. No real surprises with the openers from either team. SK is ultimately trying to chase after the Druid while BHMS keeps control of Enforcer while putting out a bunch of damage on him. SK gets back on to the Druid and forces Barkskin, while BHMS put a ton of pressure onto Enforcer; which ultimately leads to his death.

Score: 2-2

Game 5:

We're on Dalaran, the pressure is on SK going into this game I imagine. SK use the innovative zerg the Druid tactic they have used every game, and it seems to be working pretty well. BHMS recover and just turn around and kill Enforcer with little resistance from SK; was Realz AFK melee while thinking he was on his Rogue?

Score 3-2 BHMS


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