compLexity CrossCounter Adds ComboFiend and Filipino Champ

compLexity Gaming is proud to announce that the growth of our Cross Counter division has begun. We have added two of the most well known and talented fighters in North America: Peter "ComboFiend" Rosas and Ryan "Filipino Champ" Ramirez have joined our family.

When compLexity gave me a chance to become player manager for the FGC I knew this would mean great things. With that I am happy to bring along Filipino Champ and Combofiend to the roster. These are two great players in both Marvel vs Capcom 3 and the Street Fighter 4 series. I feel that with these two players on board, people will begin to see the potential of what compLexity Cross Counter can bring to the scene.

Mike Ross (

We couldn't be more excited about the birth of our player roster. We will continue to build the division until it is the strongest fighting group in the world. Please welcome our new players here!

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