Derek 'dboorN' Boorn sat down with SK-Gaming to talk about recent events that have been going on. From the pickup of Scott 'evolution' Cavellero to who he thinks compLexity's true rival is.
Derek also talks about Counter-Strike over in Europe and when we will see compLexity at an international event, as well has who the best team in North America is.
Below is an exerpt from the interview:
How would you say ‘evolution’ has adjusted to life in the coL house? Has he been a welcome addition to the team?
coL dboorN: Definitely. In and out of game, evolution meshes perfectly with us. Whether it's his play style or his attitude, we're benefiting from having him around for sure. Although his attitude has always been in question, we've had zero problems.
Do you think compLexity is the best team in the U.S at the moment?
coL dboorN: I'd say we're definitely up there and have the potential to be. We're a very confident team as a whole as well as individually and I think that shows in-game.
Will we be seeing your team at any international events in the near future?
coL dboorN: That's the plan. GameGune in Mexico was just announced and as of right now, that's where we're headed next. A few other tournaments are being discussed as well as bootcamps. Playing in Europe is what we strive for, so competing overseas would be an ideal situation for us to be in.