Popular e-Sports figure Markus "djWHEAT" Graham, who has made a name for himself through the CGS and various online video blogs, recently sat down with "shagrath" from SK-Gaming.com for an interview. They spoke about numberous subjects including: His show Live on Three, Epileptic Gaming, and anything else that could be deemed controversial. Slowly but surely, It can be assured that djWHEAT is making a name for himself around the community.
"Epileptic Gaming is back after over half a year on ice, but now you have your new esport show "Live on 3" to accompany it. What's the concept behind these two shows?"
"Let's start with Epileptic Gaming. Epileptic Gaming began back in January 2003, it was basically my outlet to talk about video games. It covers all aspects of gaming including consoles, arcades and PC.
I guess when it started I never expected it to live for over 6 years, but it's gone through an awesome evolution and to date we've created over 400 episodes. What's great about Epileptic Gaming is that it really is a no BS approach to gaming. It's gamers talking about gaming the same way you would sit around and argue and discuss with your buddies. I think that's been the big draw to Epileptic Gaming and why it's been able to live for so long.
As for "Live On Three", it's the eSports show I always wanted to do.
When the CGS closed, I realized that I was no longer handcuffed to any particular league or organization. I felt like it was finally the appropriate time to begin my own show about pro-gaming and one that wasn't going to be biased. I personally believe that pro-gaming is in a fragile state right now and I feel like we need a voice and opinion out there that's not going to sugar coat things... we need truth... we need answers. That's the main focus of LO3: to educate and "expose" pro-gaming, how it works and how we, as a community, can help make it great again."
Source: www.SK-Gaming.com