Update: After the first day of MLG Anaheim 2011, we have given away 10 compLexity jerseys to fans with coL signs!
Today marks the beginning of MLG Anaheim which is sure to become one of the more epic eSports events of the year. As previously mentioned, compLexity will be on site with a large contingent of representatives (over 20).
Over the years one of the more enjoyable aspects of our jobs has been the opportunity to meet fans at live events. This time we've decided to give a bit back. During the event, coL managers and staff will be walking the floor looking for fans who have made compLexity, coL.MVP or coL.TriggersDown signs. (Your sign needs a coL logo on it.) Starting Friday night, the first 15 people holding those signs will get a free compLexity jersey as our thank you.
If you're in the area, be sure to come out and enjoy the event! We'd love to meet you and help make your MLG experience just a bit more fun. Thanks very sincerely for all your support over the years.
See you in Anaheim!