There is a petition in Germany to stop the ban on all violent video games. The petition, which can be found here, has now been signed by 30,000 residents. If the petition reaches 50,000 signatures, a public hearing must be heard.
Here is what the petition is requesting:
"The German Bundestag should decide against the decision of the interior minister conference from the 5th of June, that aims for a ban of action computer games. As an adult citizen and a person eligible to vote, I beg you firmly;
To erase the irritating and discriminating term of 'killerspiele'from political discussion.
To strengthen the trust of the public in existing national youth protection mechanics.
To improve and warrant the execution of existing laws, that ensure kids and the youth only get access to video games and computer games rating according the USK.
To support parents and educationally responsible persons in the advancement of media competence.
Protests will be held on July 25th in Cologne, Karlsruhe and Berlin. There was a protest held in Karlsruhe, where an estimated 400 gamers attended. You can see that protest below.
Source: gamezine