Huntsman Altimor
This is a 2 target encounter, except the last 10%. You’ll fight Huntsman Altimor and a series of his 3 pet bears. Any damage done to either Altimor, or any of the bears, is also dealt to the other target. You’ll fight Bear 1 till 70%, Bear 2 until 40%, and bear 3 until 10%. Each bear has its own abilities.Huntsman
- 3 big arrows shoot at people, there’s lines pointing from the boss to the target + a hunter’s mark over the targets head
- Deals 15.5k Physical damage to anyone hit
- Also applies a massive DoT that lasts 30s. Was dealing 15k Shadow / 2s on release night on heroic
- Really, really painful, especially at lower gear levels. Healers need to be very aware of people with the DoT
- Make sure nobody but targets get hit
- You CAN immune this. Turtle, Ice Block, Divine Shield, etc. Doing so not only avoids the initial damage, it also prevents the DoT.
- Randomly targeted AoE, in about a 30 degree angle
- Need to be sufficiently spread around part of the boss so not too many people are hit at any time
- Deals 10k Physical to anyone hit
Phase 1 - Margore (100% - 70%)
- Margore is standing next to the boss when you begin the encounter
Jagged Claws
- Tank smack + DoT, swap at 2-3
- Deals 25k Physical, plus 6200 Physical/3s for 30s
- Tank smack + DoT, swap at 2-3
Vicious Lunge
- Red targeting circle around a random person
- After 6s, Margore lunges at the targeted person
- Deals 54k Physical damage split between everyone hit
- Also applies a DoT to everyone who got hit
- Deals 7800 Physical/3s for 6s
- During testing, you COULD immune + BoP this. Unknown if that’ll be the case on live.
- When Margore dies (boss will be at about 70% HP), Bargast spawns.
Phase 2 - Bargast (70% - 40%)**
Rip Soul
- Deals 31k Shadow to the active tank on Bargast
- Summons a Soul from that player that walks from Bargast to the boss
- Starts with the same HP% as the tank had when they were hit
- The Soul needs to be healed by players to full, at which point it despawns
- If it reaches boss, he gains Devour Soul, a 200% damage increase
- The Soul also pulses for 2500 Shadow damage every 2s as long as it persists
Shades of Bargast
- 2 adds spawn that chain cast Deathly Roar
- Deals 10k Shadow damage to everyone in the raid, also applies a 3700 Shadow/2s DoT. DoT stacks.
- Cannot be interrupted
- However, the adds themselves CAN be hard CC’d
- While CC’d, they gain 1 stack of Destabilize per second
- Each stack increases damage taken by 100%
- Leave them both CC’d until 60-70 energy, they’ll be high stacks, then blow them up
- They become immune to CC at 100 energy
- 2 adds spawn that chain cast Deathly Roar
Phase 3 - Hecutis (40% - 10%)
Crushing Stone
- Gains a stack every melee
- Each stack increases physical damage dealt by 50%, but slows Hecutis’s movement speed
- While moving, Hecutis loses stacks and deals raidwide AoE
- 3700 Nature damage per stack
- When Hecutis has NO stacks, he charges at his current tank
Petrifying Howl
- Puts circle around 3 people
- Deals a small amount of damage and reduces movement speed by 5%
- These effects increase in power every second
- After a few seconds, the afflicted players explode, dealing 4600 Nature damage to everyone within 10 yards
- Also leaves a puddle of Stone Shards
- Typical floor goop. Deals 2500 nature every 1.5s, and slows you while standing in it.
- Obviously, standing & /dancing in the Stone Shards is bad.
- However, this DOES help your healers parse…
- Puts circle around 3 people
Phase 1
- Tank Altimor near the middle of the room, with Margore on top of him for cleave
- Tanks will need to swap at 2-3 stacks of Jagged Claws on the Margore tank
- Tank Altimor near the middle of the room, with Margore on top of him for cleave
- The raid should be loosely spread around the room
- When Sinseeker is cast, the targeted players SHOULD NOT MOVE
- The rest of the raid should adjust around the Sinseeker targets. Do NOT get yourself hit if you are not the target
- If you could not immune the Sinseeker debuff, move into melee range to make it easier on the healers
- See below, the arrows are the Sinseeker targets. Move away from people with arrows.
- When Margore casts Vicious Lunge, you’ll want 3-4 people total being hit. The targeted player can simply stand in melee range to split the damage.
- That’s pretty much it for this phase. Cleave down the two of them until Margore dies.
Phase 2
- Keep Altimor where you had him for Phase 1
- About 5 seconds before Rip Soul is cast, move Barghast to the north-east corner of the room
- Healers should do what they can to keep the Barghast tank close to full HP. As soon as the Rip Soul spawns, bomb heals into it and get it to full.
- About 5 seconds after Rip Soul is cast, the first set of Shades of Barghast spawn.
- These spawn about 10 yards away from Barghast, so they’ll be near the north-eastern edge of the room
- Have assigned people to CC. Polymorph, Ice Trap, etc. Make sure you do not break CC. Starfall and Halo are major offenders of accidentally breaking the CC
- Do NOT touch these things until called by the raid leader. You want them to build up stacks.
- In the image below, you can see Barghast being moved to the north-east corner. The green circles represent the Shades. Once the Shades spawn, move Barghast back on top of Altimor.
- For timing on killing the adds, wait until the 2nd Rip Soul is cast
- The tank should move Barghast to the north-west corner this time for Rip Soul
- While the Barghast tank does that, move Altimor on top of the Shades in the north-east
- You can knock back and grip the Shades, so try to get the 2 of them plus Altimor close to each other, and nuke down the Shades
- Assign 2-3 dps to use CD’s here and blow the Shades up ASAP
- We found this timing lined up perfectly for MM hunters to use Trueshot + Wild Spirits (if Night Fae), and this melted the Shades.
- Last note here - you still don’t want a cast from the Shades to go off. You can interrupt their cast with stuns and CC. We found having a Mage cast Polymorph continually was a reliable way to prevent a cast from ever completing
- Positioning should look something like this:
- For timing on killing the adds, wait until the 2nd Rip Soul is cast
- A new set of Shades will spawn likely while you’re finishing killing the first set. Just CC them. You’ll blow them up when they reach 50-60 energy, as you did the first set.
- Just like the first set, have 2-3 DPS assigned to CD them, and get them stacked.
- A new set of Shades will spawn likely while you’re finishing killing the first set. Just CC them. You’ll blow them up when they reach 50-60 energy, as you did the first set.
- While you’re dealing with the Shades and Rip Souls, you’ll still have Sinseeker and Spreadshot going out.
- Continue handling these like you have been. Immunity Sinseeker if you can. If not, run into melee range to make it easier on the healers
- Remain loosely spread for Spreadshot.
- These abilities are relatively dangerous in this phase. If you aren’t spread out and too many people are hit by Spreadshot, or a Sinseeker goes through the raid, you could end up accidentally forcing your healers to orange parse (or wipe the raid, which honestly is more likely)
- You never want your healers to orange parse. That’s for the padding DPS to do.
- You should aim to push the boss before a third set of Shades of Barghast spawn
- No tank swap in this phase
- While you’re dealing with the Shades and Rip Souls, you’ll still have Sinseeker and Spreadshot going out.
Phase 3
- Same positioning as you’ve been in. Altimor near the middle of the room, raid spread out around him
- Continue dealing with Sinseeker and Spreadshot as you have been
- The tank holding Hecutis should allow Crushing Stone to stack up to 5-6, or higher if you can survive it
- Once at 5-6 stacks, the tank should just run away from Hecutis. This’ll deal raid-wide AoE, so make sure you coordinate with your healers so their ready
- Helpful to pop a healer CD when Hecutis is doing the AoE, even though each tick isn’t too huge, it does add up
- Same positioning as you’ve been in. Altimor near the middle of the room, raid spread out around him
- Players affected by Petrifying Howl need to move towards the edges of the room, keep the gunk out of the middle
- See below. Try to place the puddles along the edges, like where the Orange circles are.
- Players affected by Petrifying Howl need to move towards the edges of the room, keep the gunk out of the middle
- When Hecutis dies, Altimor gets very sad and starts taking double damage
- He will now cast Sinseeker MUCH more frequently. Kill the boss before the DoT kills your raid.
- When Hecutis dies, Altimor gets very sad and starts taking double damage