The Syndicate is happy to announce our next video project: Inside the Bootcamp.
This summer, the next generation of compLexity Counter-Strike stars is bootcamping in North Carolina in order to take their game to the next level. This video series is designed to bring the coL Community along for the ride. Get to know the new family members and follow along as they take you behind the scenes in a way only compLexity can.
The first episode is a 4 minute clip of the squad's pre-game chat before the big EG.usa match. The sound is a bit off due to an air conditioner, but we felt you'd enjoy it nonetheless.
The second episode answers the question: "Why would a pro gamer go AFK during a live match?" Well, when playing Area51 our guys answer that question when they take on THE MOTH.
Enjoy the series!
The Moth
compLexityGaming: YOUR source for professional gaming news and (video!) entertainment.