Kode5 Brazil Matches Announced

With the Kode5 Brazilian Regionals taking place later this month in Curitiba, Brazil, the organization has announced the official match list.

CompLexity, Firegamers and CNB are all expected to be the front runners of the 32 team event, with MiBR out of Kode5 action as they compete at Dreamhack Winter in Sweden which happens to take place during the same period of time.

The first matches for the event can be found below:

Round of 32

CNB Gaming vs. Embrali
aX vs. 4C
TBD vs. CariocaX
Winners.Games vs. strongesT
puNch vs. waytoomany
Kurushi.hai vs. zero7olerance
SyS! vs. PuM!
ADRENALINE51 vs. rampage Killers
HARD DIVISION vs. Suricatos Clandestinos
FATALITY vs. g0 game owners
eXecurity vs. by mav
EXECUTION vs. FireGamers
Clube dos Ninjas vs. GW.ZOWIE
All4frag vs. AUTHORITY
TBD vs. brutaLity
:V vs. compLexity

More information on the event can be found by clicking here.

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