MLG WoW Columbus Melee

This weekend we will be bringing you LIVE coverage from MLG Columbus. The matches will be starting at 7PM EST tonight with compLexity vs fnatic. will be streaming the matches live tonight. The Gotfrag stream will be streaming every match all weekend.

Event Content

MLG Columbus Friday Night Kickoff on ESPN360
MLG WoW Columbus Preview

Popcorn Day 1 Blog

Popcorn Day 2 Blog

Live Stream
Day 1 Gallery
Day 2 Gallery

Gotfrag compLexity vs. Fnatic Preview

Video: coL.WoW Pre-Tournament Interview
Video: coL.WoW @ Columbus Day 2
Video: coL.WoW vs Gravitas
Video: coL.WoW Pre-Pandemic Interview

1st Place: SK - $9,000 US
2nd Place: eMg - $4,500 US
3rd Place: Ensidia - $2,250 US
4th Place: - Complexity

Grand Finals

SK > eMg (6-3)

Lower Bracket Round 2

Ensidia < eMg (4-6)

Upper Bracket Round 2

SK > eMg (3-1)

Lower Bracket Round 1

coL.WoW < Ensidia (1-3)
Time: 3:20PM EST

Upper Bracket Round 1

coL.WoW < SK (1-3)

eMg > Ensidia (3-1)

Final 4 - Bracket Play

1. SK Gaming: Enforcer, Pookz, Realz
2. eMazing Gaming: Twixz, Payce, Flexxorz
3. Ensidia: Hydra, Redhot, Kalimist
4. Complexity: Happyminti, Sodah, Venruki - Beat Pandemic in round robin to get in

Sunday Round Robin

Pandemic < coL.WoW (1-3)

Fnatic v< eMg (0-3)

EG < coL.WoW (1-3)

Ensidia > Fnatic (3-0)

eMg > Gravitas(3-1)

Enisidia < SK (1-3)

Saturday Round Robin

SK > EG (3-1)

coL.WoW < eMg (0-3)

SK > Gravitas (3-0)

> coL.WoW (3-1)

Fnatic < Gravitas (3-2)

Ensidia > EG (3-0)

Pandemic < eMg (3-2)

coL.WoW > SK (3-2)

Ensidia > Pandemic (3-2)

EG < eMg (3-0)

Fnatic < SK (3-1)

Pandemic > Gravitas (3-2)

eMg < SK (3-1)

Pandemic > EG (3-2)

coL.WoW > Gravitas (3-0)

Fnatic < Pandemic (0-3)

Ensidia > Gravitas (3-0)

Fnatic > EG (3-2)

Friday Round Robin

compLexity > Fnatic 3-0

EG > Gravitas 3-0

SK > Pandemic 3-2

eMg > Ensidia 3-0

Stay tuned for galleries, blogs, videos and more LIVE from the event!

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