coL.cs started off on CT with a very strong half played by the entire team. Everyone was in the double digit kills and rolled the half 13-2. The second half devastation took the first few rounds before coL responded at the third round. From there the rounds bounced back and forth until the half ended 4-3 which resulted in a win for compLexity. The final match score was 16-6. Good game devastation!
Tonight coL.cs takes on devastation for the start of the fourth week of CEVO-Main. This weeks map is de_nuke. compLexity is on a four game winning streak and is looking to continue that trend tonight. Devastation has experienced two losses this season and is looking for a big win since their matches have been tight. Tonight is the new coL line-up's debut on nuke, so be sure to tune in at 10:30PM EST for the action!
- 13
- 3
- 0
- 16
- 2
- 4
- 0
- 6