With a few weeks of delay, the It's Gosu Monthly Madness final is now here. coL.DotA will be matched up against North American rivals Evil Geniuses. On their way to the finals, compLexity managed to eliminate Mousesports, Copenhagen Wolves, and M5 while EG fought through Hallyu, Darer, mTw, and finally Quantic. This match will be a true measuring stick for both International-bound teams, as the practice against each other in a true Bo5 is invaluable. Now, with a cool 1000$ and Razer Nagas to the winner, coL.DotA looks poised to take it all.
The match will be casted by Draskyl and Ayesee on the It's Gosu own3d.tv stream at 3:00PM EDT, 12:00PM PDT
- Jeyo
- Ixmike88
- TC
Evil Geniuses
- Fear
- DeMoN
- Maelk
- Bulba
- Universe
00-0Evil Geniuses
00-3Time: 3:00 PM EDT
Format: Best of Five