SK interviews Allen

SK has made an interview with Jimmy Allén, one of their young gun Counter-Strike players. Allen has been known to be a quiet and shy guy, but in this interview he opens up about his personal life. He discusses everything from the whole traveling circus that SK had for a month to a little about his girlfriend. Below is a little snippet of the interview.

Why do you spend your time at the computer during christmas too?

SK.allen: Haha I do not know, I like to be at the computer. I'm playing christmas radio music and playing other games besides CS with friends like DotA and stuff, it is just cosy I think.

Looking forward to this year, what personal goal of your own would you like to beat by this time next year?

SK.allen: I want to become #1 at G7 ranking again and stay there for the whole year and earning some more money would not be such a bad thing either. Will be a great year for CS 1.6 i think.

To read more of the interview with Allen, you can click here!

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