sunman #50 in ESEA Top 100

Recently Justin "sunman" Summy has been chosen as #50 in ESEA's Top 100 series. They talk about his history, impact, and legacy in the article. Below is a snippet from the piece.

Replacing a player of Bullseye's stature may not have been the most enviable task but that Summer sunman would prove his worth to the whole world. coL won the ESWC qualifier and sunman was in France for the third year in a row. This time his team ran over the entire field and won the event. Again sunman's play was defined by coming up big in the clutch at times when his team needed it. sunman had earned his 3rd top 4 ESWC placing (2nd, 4th, 1st) in as many years. His team were also considered the world's #1 team.

Bizarrely the latter part of 2005 had sunman removed from coL as they tried to make exodus work in his place. Back to back LAN losses to 3D soon saw coL realizing the error of their ways and sunman was reinstated. Success was not to return as quickly though as the team struggled their way to a 9th placing at CPL Winter 2005. This was a coL team built on the principles of chemistry and dedication though and in 2006 they began their return to the elite echeclon of teams. At WEG Masters in China the team took 2nd behind wNv, they also beat mouz for the GGL's Transatlantic Showdown. ESWC was a downturn as sunman and his comrades had to settle for 5th-8th. They would bounce back days later though beating aTTaX to win WSVG ISC in Dallas. sunman also had his first CGS experience by winning the CGI event for $50k.

To read the full article you can click here!

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